
Own a Water Cooler
As low as$250
Includes delivery of cooler.
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Rent a Water Cooler
As low as $15/per month
Includes delivery and maintenance.
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Bottled Water Delivered. Bottled water picked up in-store is $5/bottle +6 bottle deposit.
Minimum of 2 bottles per delivery.
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You and your family will enjoy the convenience of a tall, cool drink of water anytime with a water cooler from H204U. Already filtered for impurities, we will deliver a healthy choice for a healthier lifestyle right to your doorstep. Having a cooler of water at your fingertips will encourage everyone in the family to drink more water.

In addition to our stoneware dispensers with decorative designs in their glaze, we have floor and countertop units that provide both hot and cold water at the touch of a fingertip.

Contact H2O4U today and learn more about how we can provide your home with quality drinking water for all to enjoy!

Click here to contact H2O4U today!


Anyone in the workplace will enjoy the convenience of a tall, cool drink of water anytime with a water cooler from H204U. Already filtered for impurities, we will deliver a healthy choice for a healthier lifestyle right to your doorstep.

In addition to our stoneware dispensers with decorative designs in their glaze, we have floor and countertop units that provide both hot and cold water at the touch of a fingertip. Large or small, we have what you are looking for.

Contact H2O4U today and learn more about how we can provide your business with quality drinking water for all to enjoy!

Click here to contact H2O4U today!